Think Time
by Brian Bennett One of the especially important events in a coach’s calendar is think time. Space for them to reflect, connect the dots and
by Brian Bennett One of the especially important events in a coach’s calendar is think time. Space for them to reflect, connect the dots and
by Pamela Mertz Serving One Another Gal 5:13 For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for
by Brian Bennett Becoming a coach is a vulnerable journey. Many of us have transitioned from a career path where we developed a certain level
Nine perspectives to help you hear from the Holy Spirit, by R.A. Weigel A series of 9 articles about hearing from the Holy Spirit. (read
by R.A. Weigel What is Christian coaching? Here is a good way to think about it. Someone stands at the base of a mountain and
Iný prišiel a hovoril: »Pane, hľa, tvoja mína. Mal som ju uloženú v šatke; bál som sa ťa, lebo si prísny človek: berieš, čo si si neuložil, a
In Which Direction Are Your Commitments Taking You ? Dru Perera, CCNI international leader and founder of Global Reset Do you know what separates passionate,
Coaching from a Place of Abundance: As God’s Servant or Child? by Janice M. Taylor As we worship the Lord through our coaching, we must
By Regina Freedman, M.S.Ed., ACC There are many helpful assessment tools for career and life coaches to use with their clients who are making major
by Julene Litke Today’s Christian leaders increasingly face social climates that are challenging to navigate, leaving many leaders perplexed and uncertain. This presents a compelling
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