1. Works with the client to integrate new awareness, insight or learning into their worldview and behaviors.
  2. Partners with the client to design goals, actions and accountability measures that integrate and expand new learning.
  3. Acknowledges and supports client autonomy in the design of goals, actions and methods of accountability.
  4. Supports the client in identifying potential results or learning from identified action steps.
  5. Invites the client to consider how to move forward, including resources, support and potential barriers.
  6. Partners with the client to summarize learning and insight within or between sessions.
  7. Celebrates the client’s progress and successes.
  8. Partners with the client to close the session.

Christian Coaching Application

These action-oriented coaching skills assist the client in discovering options, taking risks, exploring new territory, accomplishing goals and taking ownership. Actions bring real change into the client’s life, often replacing old habits, attitudes or belief systems. The opportunity for the client to experience new awareness, insights and learning is a natural result of moving forward. It is a competency that celebrates and challenges the client in terms of their stated goals and progress.

In Christian coaching, we fully support this type of exploration and action. Planning and goal setting are encouraged in scripture. (Proverbs. 6:6-11) We further encourage our clients to consider actions that align with God’s priority for their lives. (Proverbs 21:5; Matthew. 6:33-34; James 4:13-15) The fact that God has plans for our lives speaks of His loving nature and the assurance of eternal works. Further, we are assured that as we make room for God to speak into our situations, He will determine our steps. (Proverbs. 16:9)

In addition, the CCNI credentialed coach:

  1. Includes faith in discussions about motivation and accountability while maintaining appropriate ownership of awareness and decisions with client.
  2. Recognizes prayer as a legitimate action, while remaining sensitive to clients who may use prayer as a euphemism for “doing nothing.”
  3. Recognizes that the client may choose actions that the client feels may be morally or biblically unethical and is able to navigate that opportunity with the client without compromising the coaching conversation.
  4. Uses scripture as a source for learning, when appropriate.
  5. Asks, “What do you think God wants?” as a truly curious question and never as leading question.
  6. Leverages the client’s faith and values in crafting questions that will resonate and draw forth the client’s best thinking.
  7. Shares perception or intuition but does not assume it is truth; seeks to confirm insight with the client.
  8. Invites, and sometimes challenges, the client to consider different perspectives without assuming there is a right perspective or that the coach’s perspective should be adopted, even on matters of faith.
  9. Incorporates prayer when it is an appropriate and natural part of the coaching relationship and process. Prayer is not avoided or forced or overly incorporated into the coaching relationship.
  10. Speaks boldly but does not confuse own voice with the voice of God or the leading of his Spirit.
  11. Offers metaphors and analogies found in Scripture when appropriate to create reflection for the client and recognizes they are not designed to “make the point” for the coach.

Possible Questions

  • What course of action is most consistent with what God is already doing in your life?
  • What courses of action align best with the biblical principles you are discussing?
  • How do these actions line up with the eternal perspective?
  • In light of what you have learned, what needs to happen?
  • What are you willing to do?
  • Where do you need God’s grace to complete what’s before you?
  • What will help you keep going when you feel stuck?
  • What do you need if you get discouraged?
  • How important is it for you to achieve this goal?
  • What is your reason for the timeline?
  • How do you typically celebrate major successes?
  • If you were to consider what God might be saying to you, what would that be?
  • From a heavenly perspective, how does that change things?
  • Where might your faith play a role in what you’ve presented?