Tag: spiritual formation

Christian Life

Default or Design

by Susan Litwiller, Ed.S, MBA Genesis16: 6b Then Sarai mistreated Hagar; so she fled from her. 7 The angel of the Lord found Hagar near

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Business of Coaching

Visioning 102

by Dr. R.A. Weigel, EDD, CCC, CLPC, and President of CCNI Last month I wrote Visioning 101, and this is a continuation of those ideas.

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Become a Christian Coach

President’s Message

The systems of the world may never “sit up” and recognize the great things that you do for the people you coach. That’s okay. The

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President's Message

What Time Is It?

As much as we might wish for more, everyone truly has the same amount of time in a single day. And far too many of

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President's Message

President’s Message

Lamentations 3:22-23 tell us that the Lord’s mercies (or compassions) are new every morning. I’m guessing most of us don’t think about that every single

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President's Message

Lament and Anticipation

This past Sunday, my family and I entered a dimly lit sanctuary surrounded by complete silence. The priest gently greeted us, chimed a bell, then

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