Book Nook: “Invitation to a Journey” by M. Robert Mulholland, Jr.

Certainly, there are numerous excellent writings on the nature of spiritual formation for a follower of Christ, but I would be surprised if there are any that are better suited to a coach approach than Invitation to a Journey by M. Robert Mulholland, Jr.

Mulholland is very precise in laying out the steps to spiritual formation without becoming pedantic.  He makes it clear that many missteps can be made on this journey and goes to great lengths to share how one can avoid these ditches along the way.

This is not a book for the Christian who desires ‘four simple steps to maturity’ or a cookie cutter approach that applies to every reader.  No, the reader will be challenged in the same ways that Christ challenged His listeners. Evidence of this can be quickly seen in the Prologue with this admittedly simplistic definition of spiritual formation: “Spiritual formation is a process of being formed in the image of Christ for the benefit of others.”

The strength of this book lies in its honest appraisal of the inherent sinfulness resident in each of us, while the beauty is found in the hopefulness of change that the triune God offers to each of us who earnestly seek him.

I must confess that I acquired this text solely for my own personal spiritual growth, so fellow coach, you can imagine my incredible joy as I began to read Chapter Five and found that Jungian psychology and the theory of temperament preferences would be the bedrock for all further discussions!

There is simply no way in this short review for me to adequately extol the depth of thought given to how our natural bent as regards our styles of information focus, processing, reception and relationship.  For me, the two charts included in Chapter Seven which reference holistic spirituality were alone worth the price of the book.

I have two cautions before you lay down your hard earned cash: the first is that this is not a quick read; and the second is that if you thoughtfully allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you personally as you read, you will be changed for the good of all those who you do life with.

Thomas Kenyon

About the Author:

Thomas Kenyon, CPLC is an internationally recognized relationship coach for Christian men.  He and his wife of 34 years Lorene live in Sarasota, FL, and are blessed to have their two married daughters and four grandchildren living just minutes away.

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