Category: Coaching Community

Business of Coaching

From Comfort to Calling

What a joy God gives us as Christian coaches in helping clients discover their higher calling and helping them leave their comfort zones behind.  As

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Coaching Community

Are We There Yet?

by R.A. Weigel, Ed.D, CPCC, CLPC, and President of CCNI  Who you are today is the perfect person for your present reality, but not the

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Business of Coaching

As I See It

by Michael Baker, MS, CSC, CCNI Director of Membership and Outreach “Do as I say, not as I do.” Decades later I still hear my

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Business of Coaching

Your Vision Checkup

by Dr. R.A. Weigel, Ed.D., CCC, CLPC, and President of CCNI Is it time to check your vision? No… I’m not talking about an eye

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Become a Christian Coach

Coaching with Life Purpose

by CMI Coaching Mission International A number of clients have come to us over the years and said some version of the following: “I’ve given

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