Month: October 2021

Christian Life

If You Hired Jesus

by R.A. Weigel, Ed.D, CCC, CLPC, and President of CCNI If you were in the position, would you hire Jesus? If you were considering his

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Christian Life

Default or Design

by Susan Litwiller, Ed.S, MBA Genesis16: 6b Then Sarai mistreated Hagar; so she fled from her. 7 The angel of the Lord found Hagar near

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Become a Christian Coach

Becoming a Credentialed Coach

by Kimberly O’Brien, CCNI Director of Credentialing This week I participated in a pilot ICF exam for the new Core Competencies. The Coach Knowledge Assessment

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Business of Coaching

Visioning 102

by Dr. R.A. Weigel, EDD, CCC, CLPC, and President of CCNI Last month I wrote Visioning 101, and this is a continuation of those ideas.

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