Season of Formation

In the Liturgical Church calendar, Easter is not a one day celebration – it is a season that spans fifty days. Following the forty days of Lent, a time of self-examination, reflection, and repentance, Eastertide is a season of new life, celebration, and joy.

According to the UMC, churches often saved baptisms for Easter Sunday to celebrate the new life of the ones getting baptized alongside the celebration of the new life of Christ. Then, the fifty day Easter season was seen as a time to continue the faith formation of these new Christians.

You may not be new to Christianity, but what in your life needs formation? Not just a one day or weekend intensive, but a whole season of formation so its roots can go deep and produce long lasting fruit that can feed a hungry soul or maybe even a hungry world.

In a culture where convenience is king or doing something quicker than another person is often praised instead of doing something well, this can be a challenge. But it’s a challenge worth accepting.

This connects well to one of Roy T. Bennett’s inspirational thoughts in The Light in the Heart:

“Don’t just learn, experience.
Don’t just read, absorb.
Don’t just change, transform.
Don’t just relate, advocate.
Don’t just promise, prove.
Don’t just criticize, encourage.
Don’t just think, ponder.
Don’t just take, give.
Don’t just see, feel.
Don’t just dream, do.
Don’t just hear, listen.
Don’t just talk, act.
Don’t just tell, show.
Don’t just exist, live.”

Jenny Karr, CPLC

About the Author:

Jenny has been a fundraising coach with Tailored Fundraising Solutions for the last five years serving people in ministry – whether that be individual missionaries or non-profit leaders looking to fund the ministries God has given them.

Jenny and her family served as missionaries in SE Asia from 2012-2014 where she got an up close look at the danger of missionaries being left to fend for themselves.

Her missions is to train, equip, and support people in ministry and she has a particular passion for working with people in transition or those starting or growing their business.

Jenny has volunteered on the CCNI Board since October 2017 and currently serves at President.

Outside of work, Jenny enjoys spending as much time as possible with her husband and teenage daughter in their hometown of Nashville, Tennessee.

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