More Than a Coach: Interview With Jory Fisher

As a new CCNI board member, I had the pleasure to personally interview Jory H. Fisher, JD, PCC, CMCC;
Founder and President of Jory Fisher & Associates, Inc., based in Bel Air, Maryland. Jory specializes in helping purpose-guided leaders and entrepreneurs glorify God through success. This delightful, upbeat long-time CCNI member and mastermind presenter offers various tips on how to succeed as a coach in today’s marketplace.

CCNI: What does it take to be a successful professional Christian life coach in today’s competitive world?

Christian Business Coach, Jory FisherJory: Coaches can’t operate in “stealth mode,” sitting at their desk with a website and phone waiting for prospective clients to make an appointment. To succeed as a coach, you must be clear about who you are and what you do—and get out there and market your services!

To be successful in business, you have to focus on marketing and sales. I recommend spending approximately 20% of your workweek delivering coaching services. The other 80% or so should be spent creating content, marketing, and selling—yes, selling. I see way too many coaches who are so excited when they first earn their coaching certificates, only to get depressed and close down shop within the first year. Why? Because, although they are seriously good at their craft, they lack sufficient business-building skills to make a profit.

CCNI: Wow! The 80/20 Rule of Marketing will really shock some readers out there. Where should a coach
begin with this rule?

Jory: First, get crystal clear on your coaching niche, and get comfortable knowing you are MORE than a
coach…you are an entrepreneur. Becoming an entrepreneur means you will need to learn all facets of running
a successful business, with marketing and sales as your top priority. The best rule of thumb I’ve learned from
success gurus like Darren Hardy, Brian Tracy and Jim Rohn is to invest 10% of your total desired income each
year on personal and professional development.

CCNI: What are some strategies coaches can use to market their services?

Jory: In-person marketing is the most effective strategy; followed by webinars and phone calls. Emails, blogs,
and website opt-ins are way down the list. Do what comes naturally. (For me, this means networking and
speaking.) Start out with three strategies that energize you. (For me, that’s leading meetup events, speaking,
and having in-person meetings with strategic partners or potential clients.) It’s all about building trust and
forming relationships. According to The Chally Group, only 18% of people will buy services from someone who
doesn’t match their own personality type. You won’t find out who your ideal clients are if you are not relating
and connecting to them authentically.

CCNI: This is wonderful information you are providing for CCNI. Thank you. Please tell our readers about your
upcoming mastermind session on October 17.

Jory: Thank you for asking! On October 17, I am presenting a CCNI webinar entitled Client Attraction Secrets.
I’ll share in much more detail the current marketing trends of how to build your client base as well as the best
methods to use.

CCNI: Where can CCNI members find out more about you and what you do?

Jory: You can visit my website at

If you live in the Baltimore/DC area, I hope you will consider joining my meetup groups and attending our

I speak fairly often in the Baltimore/DC area, mostly on calling and client attraction. As a trainer for a company
called BANKCode™, I speak on how to integrate personality type into the sales conversation.

Please email me at if you have questions. If you would like to register for my
event—Sales and Beyond 2017—in November, visit Business owners
HAVE to learn how to sell!!! (To determine your key values and get a sneak peek at what you’ll learn on
November 30, take this 90-second assessment.)

CCNI: Jory, what a pleasure to have you as a dedicated CCNI member who enjoys actively participating. As
we are beginning our CCNI membership drive, I am thrilled to showcase you in this newsletter. You are such
an inspiration to many of us and I love your enthusiasm for sharing what you have learned throughout the
years, along with sharing today’s current trends. I look forward to seeing you on October 17 for the CCNI
presentation you will be sharing on Client Attraction Secrets. Thank you for your time and passion for CCNI and Christian coaching.

Author: Christina Whitten Woollen, CPLC, CCNI Marketing Director

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