Let’s Stand Together

It is almost certain that you’re hearing most people talking about the virus, it’s impact, the changes happening, who is to blame, and wondering if things will ever return to normal. Yet, when we look through the Bible there was definitely a lot of change that happened when they did not expect it. In reality, much of life is about change whether we want that change to happen or not. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

I’ve heard some folks wondering what or when will be the “new normal.” Who is to say what is normal and what is not? How can there ever truly be a normal when we are in the midst of a spiritual war? (Ephesians 6:12) The enemy is going to attack at different times, and this is another one of those attacks.

As Christians we know we have the ability to keep our minds sharp, combat fear, push away doubt, and tell worry to take a hike. As a Christian Coach we have a greater ability than many others to help people as we listen, question, and guide with coaching skills and spiritual insights. So, if we see or hear a Christian brother or sister starting to struggle with the current events, it is a good time to use our skills to help them remember who they are in Christ. (Galatians 6:2) As a Christian Coach you may be just what the doctor, (Dr. Jehovah-Rapha), ordered.

We recently did a coaching demonstration with Dr. Michael Marx doing the coaching for a woman who wanted to talk through some issues dealing with the current virus ramifications. The coaching was excellent, and the client gained encouragement, insight, and a desire to trust Jesus. Isn’t that what is supposed to happen? Isn’t that where all of us want to be at this time?

Today is an opportunity for all of us as Christian Coaches to encourage and build up each other and then reach out and help those who are struggling. We purposefully take the yoke of Jesus on us because his burden is light, giving us the strength to help others. (Matthew 11:29-30)

As Christian Coaches, let’s stand together at this time and be on the front lines of this fight. We have the potential to coach well and help many. That is indeed the front line in the battle going on today.

At CCNI we love you and stand with you. If there is any way for us to help you in your efforts to help others, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

May God bless your efforts, Rich Weigel, Ed.D, MA, MM

About the Author:

Dr. Rich Weigel has an extensive background in leadership with over twenty years leading school districts. In addition to establishing his new business as an Executive and Leadership coach, he is an adjunct professor for Olivet Nazarene University providing instruction for Strategic Leadership at the doctorate level. He is currently in the process of designing a new course on Business Ethics for students at the master’s level. He will teach that course starting in March.

Rich has been a national trainer for Crucial Conversations, Influencer, and Professional Learning Communities. He is working to gain his CCC certification and is designing a future mastermind class for CCNI called Christian Time Management. He is serving as the President of Christian Coaches Network International for the 2020 year.

The views expressed above are the author’s own and do no necessarily reflect the views of CCNI.

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