From Comfort to Calling

What a joy God gives us as Christian coaches in helping clients discover their higher calling and helping them leave their comfort zones behind.  As if that wasn’t enough, I love the self-examination opportunities God gives me in the process!

What about you, coach?  Are you fulfilling your calling or holding on to your comfort zone?

I remember going through a time when I couldn’t ‘seem’ to make much progress in any area.  My business, personal things, and ministry were a constant cycle of striving to check the boxes off my lists.  That’s not a bad thing until it becomes the main thing.

To have the impact you and I are meant to have in this world means stepping back and stepping out.  Stepping back to seek God’s will and stepping out to where He is leading, likely into something that makes you uncomfortable.

This isn’t a new message.  After all, you began this journey to coach others and that was probably out of your comfort zone.  It certainly was for me.

I had myself fooled pretty well that I was doing what “had to be done” to travel the path of my calling.  

What God revealed in times of reflection was comfort.  I was comfortable with my checkboxes. I wasn’t comfortable with things like marketing my business or contacting past clients.  

I had masked my fears by doing tasks I was comfortable with.  Imagine that! I can be a great taskmaster, but are those tasks moving me forward on the path of my calling?

In Isaiah 42:16 (ESV) the Lord says:

And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know,
in paths that they have not known I will guide them.  I will turn the darkness before them into light,
the rough places into level ground.  These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them.

God calls us out of our comfort, but we are never alone.

As CCNI members, we are very blessed.  God has provided light and love all around us!  We are prayed over, provided many learning opportunities, and we have a huge benefit in belonging to community groups for encouragement and accountability.  

I talk to so many people who struggle with desire for “community” and we, as CCNI members, have several community opportunities.  Taking advantage of a CCNI community option may mean stepping out of your comfort zone. I know it did for me.

What we do as CCNI members, what we do as coaches, what we do with the businesses and ministries God has entrusted to us are all for a higher calling.  Remember the Lord’s faithfulness as you step out of your comfort zone, day after day, into your calling.

Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him,
for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.
~ 1 Peter 5:7 (AMP)

About the Author:

Debbie Luxton is the owner of One Life to THRIVE, LLC, she serves women who lead through coaching, intimate retreats and community.  Debbie is the author of “Choose to THRIVE: Conquering Your Inner Conflicts” and 3 women’s retreat studies. Her passion is to help women who lead for God’s Kingdom, especially pastors wives, live a thriving life as they serve in the impact God created and designed them for.  Debbie is a professionally trained life coach, John Maxwell Founding Partner & Certified Leadership Coach; specializing in healthy boundaries.

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