Happy October! In just a few short days, CCNI will be hosting its inaugural Bootcamp for Christian coaches. We invite all aspiring, new and established coaches to join us (virtually) October 11-13, 2018.
This 3-day event offers twelve 1-hour continuing education sessions with numerous topics that are sure to inspire and equip you as coach. We are confident that what you learn at Bootcamp 2018 will increase your coaching skills right now and jump start your coaching practice in 2019!
Attendees have the potential to earn continuing education units for ICF/BCC renewals. (Earn 12 ICF continuing education units. Earn 9.5 continuing education units for BCC.)

Here’s the breakdown of what you will take away from this highly anticipated event.
- Learn how to get valuable referrals and find the perfect, best-fit clients.
- As you bring clients on-board, you will need a contract. Learn the key components of a well-written agreement.
- Emotions are messy, but so important. Learn why it is essential to discuss emotions with your clients.
- When coaching, you shouldn’t be the answer-person, right? Learn four coaching models where the coach can offer personal expertise to a client.
- Coaching presence is different for every coach. Learn how to find yours.
- While coaching, do you sometimes feel tension between being present and assisting your client to remain focused on his/her goal? Learn how to resist
- this tension and handle it to your client’s benefit.
- We know what direct communication is but, sometimes, we might step over the line. Learn how to balance what the client wants vs. what the client needs.
- Appreciative inquiry (AI) focuses on vision. Learn how this works from a coaching standpoint.
- Have you wondered if, and how, assessments can empower your clients?
- Learn to use the most powerful of questions by understanding your client’s traits.
- Do you know someone who is suffering from burnout? Maybe, it’s you?
- Learn some steps to beat burnout and regain your passion.
- Fear. We’ve all felt it at some point. Learn five steps to overcome your fear of entrepreneurism, and use the same steps to help your clients with their own fear issues.
Even if just a few of these topics pique your interest, I encourage you to reserve your spot now. It will be money well spent. Visit our website for our complete list of Bootcamp session topics. We are taking coaches back to basics at CCNI Bootcamp 2018. Don’t miss out! If you have any questions, drop them in the comments below.