Category: Coaching Community

Christian Life

Being a Missions Coach

by CMI Cross Cultural Intelligence Team Why am I a missions coach? Every time I am asked that question, I think of “Johan”. When I

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Business of Coaching

Have You Thought About Who’s Next?

by Shanita Brown Coaching unlocks people’s potential to maximize their performance. Coaches are change experts who help individuals take responsibility and control of their lives.

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Behind the Scenes at CCNI

Joe Donaldson, MA, CCLC, ACC President – CCNI I’m excited to tell you about two behind-the-scenes initiatives your CCNI Board is working on. These two

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Business of Coaching

Truth Matters!

by Joe Donaldson, 2021 President CCNI As followers of Jesus, we highly value the truth. Indeed, it was Jesus himself who declared, “I am the

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Become a Christian Coach

Reaching Your Potential

by Dr. Rich Weigel What is blocking your progress that keeps you from realizing your full potential as a Christian coach? You’ve lived enough life

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Business of Coaching

Happy New Year

by Joe Donaldson Well, that was interesting! 2020 is finally in the rearview mirror. Happy New Year! Many of us enter 2021 grateful for a

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