Category: Christian Life

Christian Life

Life Balance

BY DRU PERERA, FOUNDER OF GLOBAL RESET, (MCAPSC (HONS), PGDIPSPTCHG (DIST), BED (TEACHING) PRIMARY, BA) Businesses and hurry have become the norms in today’s world, resulting

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Business of Coaching

Moral Authority in Coaching

by R.A. Weigel Moral authority is our ability to lead, help, coach, and serve others, not by title or position, but by the godly way

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Business of Coaching

Doing Business with God

by Catherine Gray We’ve all heard it said that God is the CEO of our business – He’s the one in charge because He is

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Business of Coaching

Powerless to Powerful

by Kim Avery I often think that running this coaching business would be much easier if Jesus just appeared before me in the flesh and

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