Ask a Question, Save a Life

by Michael Marx, EdD

CLIENT: I’m so sick of all this. I just wish my life were over.

COACH: Are you thinking of taking your own life?

This is a good question. The coach needs to know immediately the extent to which the client is suicidal. Hence a closed question; the client can say “Yes” or “No.” A fast answer is needed here. If yes, the coaching conversation then shifts from helping the client form an action plan to helping the client form a safety plan.

On September 10, 2021 the non-profit Coaching Suicide Awareness (CSA) will be hosting their first annual “Don’t D.I.E.” eSummit. Please sign up.

For more details visit:

This all-day event is at no cost and yet still offers CCEUs approved by CCNI and ICF (pending). Speakers from all over the world will help you learn the How’s, What’s, and Why’s of suicide intervention. As a coach, you are already a good interventionist because you know how to ask powerful questions. The longer you can talk to people in such situations, the less likely they are to go through with a suicide attempt. You just need to learn how to make a referral to a qualified mental health professional. This eSummit will give you a wealth of resources. Furthermore, our experience is that it is not your clients who will come to you because they are suicidal, but rather they have a loved one who is suicidal. As the client’s trusted resource person, they look to you to help them.

You could really help us make the coaching profession more aware of this issue by helping us promote this event. An original post and a few words from you would really help us get the word out.

You could post this.

The event intends to:
· Spread the awareness of growing mental health needs.
· Train coaches how to refer people who are suicidal to professional help and resources.
· Equip coaches with mental health tools, especially suicide ideation identification.

The event is at no cost. CCEU’s are offered. Every coach needs to know when and how to do a suicide intervention.

Please let us know how we can best support you. Email us at:

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