Transition Means Change and Change is a Lot of Work

Transition Means Change and Change is a Lot of Work.

Whether God ordained or self-imposed, I seem to find myself involved in transition more often than not. For the most part, I love it – I can easily stay calm and keep a level head while continuing to make quick decisions to move things forward. I enjoy seeing the impact made through hard work and coming alongside others in the process. But I’ve found myself feeling quite overwhelmed lately. Between personal life, work, and volunteer work, every area has multiple transition needs all at once and it’s taking its toll. I’ve been waking up early and going to bed late and the sleep in between is restless.

sleep 1209288 1920I’ve been asking God daily to help me focus on just the things that need attention today to try to make progress without becoming paralyzed. I don’t have to do it all, just one thing, then the next.

Last week, I met with clients who were overjoyed at how God was providing new ministry donors during a time when they had zero capacity to work on fundraising. It brought a verse to mind about how God provides for those He loves even in their sleep! After the call I began searching for where the exact verse was so I could share it with my client and was happy to quickly find it in Psalm 127:2. I’ve thought of this verse often as I work with many people who find themselves in a season of low energy, but strong hearts. This verse has been an encouragement to many, but this time around, God had something in it for me. I’ve often quoted “God provides for those He loves even in their sleep,” but that’s actually only half of the verse. This time around, possibly for the first time, the beginning of the verse hit me like a ton of bricks: “It is vain for you to rise up early, to stay up late, eating the bread of toil…”

Yes, the work is good, and worthy, and it’s something I really care about and love. But this verse reminded me that my time is more fruitful when I’m working out of my rest in Him. A lesson He has to remind me of regularly. So to those who are weary, those who have been praying for a breakthrough, those who are toiling to grow their businesses – we don’t have to come to the end of ourselves to find God – He’s already with us, blessing us as we sleep.

Jenny Karr, CPLC

About the Author:

Jenny has been a fundraising coach with Tailored Fundraising Solutions for the last five years serving people in ministry – whether that be individual missionaries or non-profit leaders looking to fund the ministries God has given them.

Jenny and her family served as missionaries in SE Asia from 2012-2014 where she got an up close look at the danger of missionaries being left to fend for themselves.

Her missions is to train, equip, and support people in ministry and she has a particular passion for working with people in transition or those starting or growing their business.

Jenny has volunteered on the CCNI Board since October 2017 and currently serves at President.

Outside of work, Jenny enjoys spending as much time as possible with her husband and teenage daughter in their hometown of Nashville, Tennessee.

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