Month: March 2019

Board Introductions

Meet Vern Card, CCNI Treasurer!

CCNI Has a New Treasurer! Vern Card is CCNI’s new Treasurer. This is his second time as Treasurer, having been previously involved when CCNI was

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Coaching Core Competencies

The Gift of Coaching Presence

What’s it take to be a great coach? Great coaching requires knowing how to coach and having skills such as active listening and powerful questioning.

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Coaching Ethics

The River of Ethics

“But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” (Amos 5:24 ESV) Ethics is a river. I choose to charge my

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President's Message

Partnering with the Competition

In God’s economy, there is no competition. This thought that there is no competition in God’s economy has come to mind several times over the

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