You Are the God-Created: Be and Blossom Now

For in Him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said,
‘We are His offspring.’ (Acts 17:28)

There are times when I feel that I am not doing as much as I can do… that my output is well below my ability. Another way of saying it is that the Lord has blessed and gifted me in so many way that I should have already taken my city for Christ by now… single handedly. Instead, I have to have a weekly reminder in my phone just to take the trash to the curb every Thursday evening, because some Friday mornings, the garbage man comes and goes, and my bin is still in the garage. And I am long past the days of rushing out of the house (read, ‘getting out of bed’) to catch him.

Sometimes, when I don’t feel like I’m doing enough, the Lord reminds me that He alone gives me the ability to accomplish whatever I accomplished in any given day—great or small.

If I got out of bed, bathed, clothed, and fed myself, brewed a cup of tea, moved from the kitchen to my home office, turned on the computer, checked my email, responded to messages, solved a problem, scheduled an appointment, paid (or made arrangements to pay) a bill, mailed a letter… you see where this is going, right?

The blessings that I take for granted are staggering!

As a child of God, I know to never take life for granted. Everything that I have, the Lord has provided. I know better than to measure my daily success in increments of “widgets” made and sold or business cards collected or distributed, or event invitations, etc. I know better. I thank the Lord for sometimes reminding me to act as if I know better.

In the Lord, we live and move and have our being according to Acts 17:28. The Message Bible says it this way: We live and move in Him, can’t get away from Him! One of your poets said it well: ‘We’re the God-created.’

As a community of Christian coaches, we understand better than most the power of simply being. No doubt it is wisdom you have shared with a client or two. How convinced are you that there are seasons when that same wisdom applies to your life? Spring is in full bloom and summer is almost here. Are you enjoying your days as a coach and the great and small blessings of life, or are you frustrated because you have failed to reach an imaginary measure of success. Right now, are you counting your blessings or are you counting widgets?

As difficult as it may be, know that you live, move, and have your being in Him. Rest in Him now. You will blossom in God’s timing and in His way.

This great oldie by Andrae Crouch came to me just as I was writing this letter to you. Enjoy!

Author: L. Marie Trotter is a business writer, book and magazine publishing expert, speaker, radio host, and trained life coach. She received her coach training through Erickson College, and she is a PCC member of the International Coach Federation. Her coaching niches are author and book development, community and organizational capacity building, leadership development, and communications. Marie is the founder of L.A.M.P. Sessions (Leadership Accountability Mentorship and Prayer), which connects and trains Christian women in leadership. Marie is the 2018 CCNI President.

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