Three Joys of a Coach on Summer Vacation

I rarely coach during the holidays. I try to devote myself fully to my family, but also to postponed duties that do not have priority during the school year, but especially I try to refresh myself by “resting” in God’s presence. Nevertheless, this summer brought me several coaching joys. I bring three of them—perhaps for encouragement; perhaps as a summary of the shards of knowledge, but also as a way of expressing my gratitude to the most caring COACH.

1. Ripening fruit

After three years, in July, a client contacted me asking if we could meet again. I was surprised because after our last meeting, I was hesitant about how helpful our coaching conversation was for her. I was even more surprised by the accuracy with which, after such a long time, she quoted two of my questions that were crucial in her life’s dilemma. With the recapitulation of the three-year period, she also told me what fruit this conversation brought her and how grateful she was for the decision she made based on our coaching. After that, we moved on and addressed the current topic…

Lesson learnt: Do not panic and do not solve after coaching what is not in your hands. It is in the best hands of the Holy Spirit. He may even use one or two of your little questions as a clue to his plan for the client. And you don’t need to know about it.

2. The “Christian” in coaching

“I have experience with a coach – both at work and elsewhere – but now I chose a Christian coach, because God’s view of my life is key for me. It just makes sense to me,” the client began our first meeting after we clarified the coaching agreement. It’s not the first time I’ve had a client say something like that.

Lesson learnt: The coaching process is basically the same, but when, at the request of the client, we insert the aspect of faith into it and leave room for the Holy Spirit to act. This is, for some people, the key reason to choose a Christian coach.

3. Motivation to move

The situation described by another client sounded unsolvable for the time being. The coachee’s conviction that “it” was pointless, and any further attempts would be useless was very strong. We gradually revealed who she is in her values ​​and how she can live in harmony with these values ​​despite the given situation. Although at the end of the session she set a completely different first step, she soon said that the coaching helped her to take a breath and start a conversation with a person in a conflict that she had long thought was hopeless. It turned out very well beyond expectations. Despite the hopelessness, she stepped forward and experienced an emotion that caused a profound positive change in many aspects.

Lesson learnt: I was once again confirmed how acceptance without evaluation can support a person in finding the strength to step forward, even though he or she is losing faith and hope.

Martina Jokelová Ťuchová, CCC, Christian Coach School teacher, Slovakia. Martina is a mother of six children, a journalist and an editor in a Christian publishing house. Together with her husband, she runs the Family Montessori Kindergarten and organizes seminars on education for parents. He has been coaching for five years and during a coaching conversation he often perceives how God carefully touches the coachee and in freedom and tenderness approaches him where he lets him go and allows him to cooperate in the search for the fullness of life.

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