Tag: jesus

Christian Life

Listening IN

by Pamela Mertz, CPCC, PCC, CPD Listening is the beginning of all things.  That is a profound awareness that I have recently received.  Listening is the

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Business of Coaching

Doing Destiny Like Jesus

by Tony Stoltzfus One way you can bring more of Jesus into the way you coach is to have a robust picture of how Jesus

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Christian Life

Any Room?

BY PAMELA LARSEN SCHROEDER, MSN, PMGT-BC, BCC Augustus Caesar decreed that all the Roman Empire should be registered in their own towns and taxed. Joseph

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Christian Life

Praying with Authority

by Susan Litwiller, MNC., Ed.S., MBA, CCNI Director of Education We are reminded in Ephesians 6:18 — “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in

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Christian Life

If You Hired Jesus

by R.A. Weigel, Ed.D, CCC, CLPC, and President of CCNI If you were in the position, would you hire Jesus? If you were considering his

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Christian Life

One80 Life Bookends

by Diane Dotson Coaches love books. We love to read and to learn new tools for helping our clients. Each new book that we read

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Business of Coaching

Follow Me

by Joe Donaldson Of the four Gospel accounts, my personal favorite is Mark’s. It is one of the most compact at just 16 chapters. The

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