Tag: Coaching Tips

Business of Coaching

From Comfort to Calling

What a joy God gives us as Christian coaches in helping clients discover their higher calling and helping them leave their comfort zones behind.  As

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Business of Coaching

The Power of HALT

by Catriona Futter How impetuous a person are you? How often do you find yourself making an impulsive decision that you later go on to

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Christian Life

A Pervasive Contagion

There is a powerful contagion spreading through nearly every community on the planet. The effects of this contagion are changing behaviors and routines. It is

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President's Message

What Time Is It?

As much as we might wish for more, everyone truly has the same amount of time in a single day. And far too many of

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Coaching Specialties

New Eyes, Not New Knowledge

(This blog post is being reprinted with permission from and attribution to Keith Webb, Creative Results Management.) I could tell by the expression on his

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