Tag: coaching mindset

President's Message

President’s Message

It is always a privilege to write to you and talk about what CCNI is doing and where we are heading. We have a wonderful

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President's Message

The Comfort Zone

It was over twenty years ago when I did my first “Zones of Comfort” activity. Since then I have probably used that activity a thousand

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Coaching Relationship

Every Meeting Has A Culture

We use a lot of different words to represent the physical, emotional, or even the cyber feelings we have when we walk into a room

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Coaching Specialties

New Eyes, Not New Knowledge

(This blog post is being reprinted with permission from and attribution to Keith Webb, Creative Results Management.) I could tell by the expression on his

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President's Message

President’s Message

I first heard of the Enneagram (a typology of nine personality types) about 5 years ago when my husband started reading a book about it

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Coaching Core Competencies

The Gift of Coaching Presence

What’s it take to be a great coach? Great coaching requires knowing how to coach and having skills such as active listening and powerful questioning.

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