Self-Care is the New Fuel for Coaches

by Dr. Roaslyn L. Smith

What does self-care mean to you as it relates to your coaching business? Whether you are a new or seasoned coach, there are various facets to being a coach and leader, such as structuring programs, marketing, hiring, prospecting, and meeting with clients. Through it all, I want you to consider something, it takes a lot of physical, mental, and spiritual insight to cover all these areas daily. As the CEO of your coaching business, you must be innately aware that it takes fuel to make progress, self-care is that fuel.

Self-care, as believers in Jesus Christ, represents being a good steward over what God has given.

Fuel is definite as a supply or power, meaning action is taking place. Something is moving forward, producing, and multiplying. Self-care needs fuel to ignite the engine of our souls.

Jesus is the igniter of this self-care fuel that permeates into who you are as coaches, our businesses, and the people you interact with. Self-reflection is essential for personal development, an immense responsibility to continually assess your current condition. God guides us in all these decisions and compels us to implement them.

Self-care then is self-discovery to evaluate where you are, what requires change, and what should be added.

God has given each person a mind, body, and soul. Allow for self-awareness and authorize God, as He guides you to where changes need adjustment in your health, business, or personal life. The Holy Spirit will reveal the decisions that need to be made. It is our aim as coaches to be intensely involved in the client’s progress. How then are you as a coach, learning to monitor your own self-care?

As a coach, I have learned the need for self-care.

I have learned to be aware of the changes in my mind, body, business, and personal life. As You learn how to become even more aware of these changes, many of your clients are also having changes. The more self-reflection and awareness of what you are going through the better you can serve clients. Remembering to take care of yourself, then allows for taking care of clients in a way that serves them. Because you have first learned the principles of stewardship of that which God has given you: mind, body, and soul as Christian Coach Leaders who honor God through self-care.

Here are the key points at the core of taking care of yourself as a coach:

Self-care, as believers in Jesus Christ, represents being a good steward over what God has given.

Self-care then is self-discovery to evaluate where you are, what requires change, and what should be added.

As a coach, I have learned the need for self-care.

Watch for part two of self-care for coaching leaders. Dr. Rozz

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