President’s Message

If there was ever a time when people needed Christian Coaches – this is it. From pandemics to politics there has never been and there will never be a greater hope for the future than what God has given us as Christians.

People need to talk and have somebody that will listen. That is part of our responsibility as Christian Coaches. There is currently a world of hurt, confusion, panic and a tidal wave of emotion and reaction in the hearts and minds of people. As Christian Coaches we bring an ability to help people through our coaching and we bring the spiritual perspective and insights that supports the best solutions.

Individual or group problems are still spiritual at their root. As Christian Coaches we help others through our coaching and our knowledge of God’s truth that permeates our questions and direct communication. We help our clients to find release from the bondage that ensnares them.

Many of the world’s systems are designed to create chaos, division, and turbulence. God called us to unity through Christ. Every person we work with is precious to us because we know the truth and the truth sets us free. We see people through Christ’s eyes instead of the divisions that the world promotes.

Galatians 3:28 (NIV) – There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

There may be times when you are coaching, that a short story can be used effectively to reframe or help your client to gain a different perspective. You can ask for permission or if the framing is right, you can jump into a short story before asking the follow-up question based on your story:

  • What new perspective are you gaining?
  • What emotions does this conjure for you?
  • What did you walk away with?
  • What is your heart saying?
  • What is God revealing to you at this time?
  • How would you like to move forward?

You know, Jesus told a number of stories as part of his terrific coaching. For example, Jesus worked with a client asking a coaching question related to his client’s needs. (Luke 10:26b) “What does Moses’ law say about it?” He listened to his client’s answer and recognized the client still had some confusion when the client asked, (Luke 10:29b), “And who is my neighbor”? Jesus did not answer his question but used direct communication and told the story of the Good Samaritan. His follow up was perfect when he asked the client, (Luke 10:36a) “Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor?”

Now, my reason for using that example is twofold. First, Jesus dealt with issues of discrimination and confusion. He loved his client and helped him to love others. He told all of us, as his followers, that a person of a different ethnicity, a Samaritan in this case, did what was right. Second, Jesus told us to “go and do likewise” referring back to the story of how we should treat each other. As Christian Coaches we don’t focus on the division but focus on the unity in Christ we can and should have. We care for others and go out of our way to help. We bring the unity of Christ through our coaching and the love of Christ that is given to us.

The people of the world need your talents as a Christian Coach. Let’s stand together and grow in our unity as Christian Coaches so we can serve as examples to others. Let’s help others understand that we are all one in Christ.

About the Author:

Dr. Rich Weigel has been involved in the field of education for over 30 years. His current business, ProEdCoach (Professional Educators Coaching Services), was established in 2018 as he transitioned from being a school superintendent to the field of leadership and executive coaching.

His extensive background in leadership and working for large school districts helps him to provide support for teachers, principals, superintendents and school boards across the nation. He is a Strengths Champion Coach in addition to his expertise as a national trainer with VitalSmarts and Professional Learning Communities.

Rich is the current president of Christian Coaches Network International. He is the vice president for a N.W. Indiana group called the Shared Ethics Advisory Board and he is an adjunct professor for Olivet Nazarene University.

His writings include a series of articles based on his dissertation about the need for leaders to develop skills. He is currently working on a leadership book to be titled, Leading God’s Way for Lasting Impact.

He is married with 3 adult children and believes that since there is nothing in the Bible that says, “thou shalt retire,” he has yet to reach a time for slowing down or to stop pushing the envelope based on the reality that the Bible does say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

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