President’s Message

When I was 13 years old, I was involved in an accident that left me with some structural issues and chronic pain.

Several years later a doctor told me if I could work on strengthening the muscles around my back, core, and joints – it would provide some relief from the pain I was experiencing. In an attempt to do so, I actually ended up making things worse. I didn’t understand my limitations and in fear of making things even worse I just stopped trying altogether.

God recently opened a door for me to try again, but this time I’m working with experienced and knowledgeable coaches who are giving advice specific to me, my body, and my goals.

This reminded me of how often I hear of my friends and colleagues who are coaches talk about the importance of having your own coach. Not only does it help you stay focused and intentional in your own life, but if you are a coach, then it’s helping you experience coaching skills that you can incorporate into your own coaching! One friend said, “When I started my first business I didn’t have anyone mentoring me. Now that I’m starting my 12th business, I have two coaches!”

She went on to share that when you look at people who are professionals and masters in their field, you will often learn of a mentor, coach, or trainer who has been supporting or guiding them along the way. They understand that to be successful, they need to receive the wisdom of others, and not just general wisdom, but wisdom that uncovers where there are now, where they want to go, and guides them on how to bridge the gap for their specific situation.

When Moses’ father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing for the people, he asked, ‘What are you really accomplishing here? Why are you trying to do all this alone while everyone stands around you from morning till evening?’” (Exodus 18:14-15)

Who’s speaking into your specific situation? What areas are you trying to go it alone? If you don’t have an answer, it might be time to get a coach!

Jenny Karr, CPLC

About the Author:

Jenny has been a fundraising coach with Tailored Fundraising Solutions for the last five years serving people in ministry – whether that be individual missionaries or non-profit leaders looking to fund the ministries God has given them.

Jenny and her family served as missionaries in SE Asia from 2012-2014 where she got an up-close look at the danger of missionaries being left to fend for themselves.

Her mission is to train, equip, and support people in ministry and she has a particular passion for working with people in transition or those starting or growing their business.

Jenny has volunteered on the CCNI Board since October 2017 and currently serves at President.

Outside of work, Jenny enjoys spending as much time as possible with her husband and teenage daughter in their hometown of Nashville, Tennessee.

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