Preparing for the Work God Will Do: All Things New

by Brian Bennett, CCNI Board Member

Conferences often offer the fuel that breakthrough thrives on. I have had some of my most defining moments through the fresh inspiration, expanded perspective, and strengthened beliefs provided by conference experiences. There is something about gathering with people who get you and the journey you are on, even though each journey is unique. Combine that sense of belonging with fresh insights and affirmations, and you have something special taking shape.

With 30 days or so until CCNI’s fall eSummit, we hope you are making plans to join us at this year’s conference. You can find out more about the incredible speakers and sessions topics by heading to the conference page. Register even if you cannot attend all the sessions, as you’ll have digital access for one full year to watch and engage the thought-provoking content at your convenience.

We have all been on a journey through the reality of the current pandemic. For some of us, it has created significant adversity in our lives and coaching practices. We are coming to this eSummit – needing a fresh touch from God, a fresh encouragement to stay the course, and to see our coaching work with fresh eyes. Others have had their best years yet through the last 20 months. We may be coming to the eSummit with refueled belief for a grander vision of how God intends to impact and bless others through coaching. Or we may be coming encouraged but also feeling caught between where we were and where we are headed in our practices, beliefs, and processes.

Regardless of how we are coming to the eSummit, we trust that God is going to meet each of us right where we are…and that he will lead us forward into the fullness of what he has in store. So, register today, invite a friend, clear your schedule so you can be fully engaged, and expect God to do a great work. It may not be some monumental moment; our Heavenly Father often shows up in quiet and hidden ways to do some of his best work, but show up he will, as He is making “All Things New.”

Know that you are being prayed for in this season. Please know that the CCNI board and team cares for you deeply and is seeking to support your flourishing as you pursue God’s leading with your coaching!

The best is yet to come in Jesus!

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