One80 Life Bookends

by Diane Dotson

Coaches love books. We love to read and to learn new tools for helping our clients. Each new book that we read brings a new insight about connection to God, healthy connection with others and/or connection to our true selves.

Bookends are necessary to contain books in their proper place. Bookends have two ends and are intended to contain everything within.

Now imagine a bookend at the beginning and end of every conversation with another believer or believers. We can bookend our thoughts, our day, our year, our life. We can bookend the delivery of a sermon, a conference, or a session.

The One80 Life Bookends:

  • The 1st bookend is: The Centricity of Jesus
  • The 2nd bookend is: The Glory of God

Scripture is full of bookends. The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and End, The revelation of Jesus in Genesis and the Glory of God in Revelation, the acknowledgment and honor of God at the beginning of the Lord’s Prayer and his Glory accomplished at the end of the prayer.

Applying the One80 Life Bookends – An Example:

When I meet with Christ-focused clients, I begin with the Centricity of Jesus. Here are just a few of the acknowledgments from scripture that I use. Many more could be added! I’ve included the scripture address for your use, but I do not use them during a coaching conversation.

  • Jesus is here with us, right now!
  • And this is what He brings with Him:
  • Perfect Love  (1 John 4:18)
  • No Condemnation  (Romans 8:1)
  • Forgiveness of Every Confessed Sin  (1 John 1:9)
  • Rest, Easy Yolk, Light Burden  (Matthew 11:28-30)
  • Comfort  (Matthew 5:4)
  • Peace  (John 14:27)
  • Guidance  (Psalm 139:5)
  • Strength through Joy  (Nehemiah 8:10)
  • The Impossible is Possible  (Matthew 19:26)
  •  Immeasurably More!  (Ephesians 3:20)

Acknowledging the presence of Jesus and all he brings with him establishes the atmosphere of not just the possible, but also the impossible. It focuses the client at a higher plane of awareness, above the issues of the world and into an atmosphere of Perfect Love and surrendered outcomes, thus posturing toward, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Throughout the conversation, the One80 Life Lens is used to bring every thought, attitude or decision, an eternal perspective of connection and love. More on the One80 Life Lens can be found in the May issue of Resonate.

Finally, the second bookend, The Glory of God is revealed at the end of the conversation. Looking back on the entirety of the conversation, one can see how the Holy Spirit guided, along with the presence of Jesus and His Love, to achieve results of thoughts, attitudes, and decisions for the Glory of God. That is the ultimate goal for every Christ-follower and the model that Jesus provided for us in Philippians, Chapter 2.

When a client can see the Glory of God revealed in their choices, attitudes, and decisions, he or she can connect more to God’s heart with joy and purpose. And there is no greater joy than an intimate loving connection with God!

How can you use these bookends in your daily decisions and your life?

Diane Dotson, ACC, CPLC, is a lifetime member of CCNI. Diane is the owner of One80 Life, an organization that facilitates personal connection with the heart and mind of Jesus. She serves her clients through the tools of teaching, experiential prayer, and coaching. She can be reached at

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