New Year’s Message

A New Year’s Message from the CCNI President

The New Year is a traditional time for resolutions, starting something new, or making a plan. It always seems like the perfect recognizable event to look back and admit you began your new something right at the new year.

From a biblical perspective, there is no difference between December 31 and January 1. Nothing special really happens and in reality that distinguishable moment of midnight is different throughout the world.

While there is nothing wrong with making a resolution or a goal, there really is no reason to verbalize them unless you plan on someone holding you accountable to do what you say you’re going to do. With that in mind, the New Year is a time for the leadership team of CCNI to frame our goals for 2024 and we’d like to share them with you.

Philippians 4:13 (NLT) – For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.

  1. Enhance the CCNI member experience and perceived membership value.
  2. Upgrade and modernize the CCNI credentialing management process and system.
  3. Develop a CCNI staffing strategy.
  4. Create and/or update the CCNI policy and procedures documents.

In 2023, CCNI made significant progress in many areas. Our leadership team became stronger and stronger, helping each other to use our talents more effectively. We began an important partnership with AG Coaching. We continued to build our partnership with the Assembly of Christian Coaches Association in Slovakia. We stretched our international reach and have plans to double that in 2024. We are now offering CCEUs and CCRUs for all of our events, giving support for our member’s continuing growth and credentialing. We are currently completing the CCNI Core Competency Question Project that you’re going to love in the New Year, and we have made great strides in building new partnerships that you’ll be hearing more about soon.

God is at the center of our work, our goals, and our efforts to bring about our vision of being a global leader for Christian Coaching, providing services, guidance, products, and self-fulfillment for our members to discover and utilize their God-given uniqueness to seek first the kingdom of God. Putting God first in our commitment, helps us to follow through to fulfill everything that we begin.

Let’s stay involved, engaged, and work together to build the future that the Lord wants built. After all, when we work together in our commitment to the Lord, when we trust in him, he will help us and let our efforts radiate like the dawn.

Psalm 37:5-6 (NLT) – Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.

Dr. Rich Weigel

President – CCNI

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