Knowledge, Skill, and Motivation

I’ve been listening through Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and the part that has stood out the most so far is when he says, “Habit is the intersection of knowledge (what to do), skill (how to do), and desire (want to do).” Sometimes instead of desire, he says attitude or motivation, I was particularly drawn to the word motivation as I think it has the potential to carry less back baggage than the other two.

I started reading this book because while I’m a fairly disciplined person when it comes to delivering what I’ve promised to others, I have horrible discipline when it comes to areas to improve my personal life (like exercise, spending more time with friends, making time to just read, etc.). And like most things I learn, I immediately think about all the areas in my world that it can be applied to. This piece about knowledge, skill, and motivation was no different and had me thinking beyond myself and into the effectiveness of the teams that I’m on or lead or the clients that I coach. For those who feel stuck or are having a hard time moving forward, it’s been incredibly helpful to share this idea of needing knowledge, skill, and motivation all working together to incorporate new habits and to identify which one is missing.

I’ve also found it useful in my work with coaching executive directors around how to get their board involved in fundraising. What are they missing? Knowledge, skill, or motivation? Once identified, we can go to work on a plan for imparting knowledge, growing skills, and/or increasing motivation. (Easier said than done though I must admit!)

What pieces might be missing for you to be successful in a current project or vision? I hope this is as helpful to you as it has been for me and can uncover what pieces are missing to move you and those around you forward!

Jenny Karr, CPLC

About the Author:

Jenny has been a fundraising coach with Tailored Fundraising Solutions for the last five years serving people in ministry – whether that be individual missionaries or non-profit leaders looking to fund the ministries God has given them.

Jenny and her family served as missionaries in SE Asia from 2012-2014 where she got an up-close look at the danger of missionaries being left to fend for themselves.

Her mission is to train, equip, and support people in ministry and she has a particular passion for working with people in transition or those starting or growing their business.

Jenny has volunteered on the CCNI Board since October 2017 and currently serves at President.

Outside of work, Jenny enjoys spending as much time as possible with her husband and teenage daughter in their hometown of Nashville, Tennessee.

The views expressed above are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of CCNI.

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