Key to Goal Achievement – Accountability

As Christians, the concept of accountability comes up frequently when discussing ways to correct sinful behaviors. Usually, either an accountability partner or a small group will address the unwanted issues with you and check in regularly to make sure you are staying on track and making the right changes in your life.

But accountability isn’t just for correcting negative behaviors.

If you wanted to start going to the gym so you could lose weight, would you be more likely to actually put your workout clothes on and get there on your own? Or if you were meeting a workout buddy or trainer when you got there? Of course, we all would be more likely to go if someone was waiting on us. Especially if it was a trainer because we know that they will hold us accountable for our actions and how they affect our overall goals.

The same applies to goal achievement with your clients as a Christian life coach. By maintaining an accountability system with your clients, you give them an even greater chance at succeeding.

Helping someone pinpoint their goals and set up an effective plan to achieve them is just part of the process. By setting up specific milestones and tasks along the way that they are expected to complete, you are holding your client accountable for their own success. It can be easy for clients to become discouraged or distracted while working toward their goals, but knowing they have to check in with you and report on their progress, will keep them motivated and moving forward.

Yes, as both Christians and life coaches, your job is to “Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing” (Thessalonians 5:11).

Are you holding your clients accountable for their own success in achieving their goals? What types of accountability measures can you institute to help them reach their fullest potential?

Janice LaVore-Fletcher, CPCC, PCC, MMC, BCC is an ICF Professional Certified Coach, an IAC Master Masteries Coach, and a Board Certified Coach with the Center for Credentialing and Education. Janice is Founder and President of Christian Coach Institute, LLC, which is ICF approved offering 72 Coach Specific Training Hours in the Certified Professional Christian Coach program. She is also a Certified Executive Mastermind Coach, Licensed Get Clients Now Facilitator, Commissioned Stephen Minister, and engaging seminar leader.

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