bu Dru Perera
This article delves into Jesus’s four-part growth formula and provides actionable insights for
Christian coaches seeking to emulate Christ’s example in their coaching practices. Through this
exploration, readers will understand how to incorporate this formula into their journey of faith and
What is Jesus’ four-part growth formula?
Many know that Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness praying and fasting before beginning His
ministry. However, few know about the additional preparations He made, detailed in the final verses
of Luke’s account of His birth and childhood (chapters 1 and 2) and just before the recount of the
beginning of His earthly mission in chapter 3.
Luke 2:52 says:
“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”
As Christian coaches, we can adopt Jesus’ framework for growth by utilising Luke 2:52 to establish
balanced objectives for ourselves and to guide our clients toward living more abundantly in the
coming year. This analysis will focus on the developmental areas highlighted in Luke, which delineate
how Jesus experienced growth and how we can leverage these insights to facilitate success for
ourselves and our clients in 2025.
1. Growing in Wisdom
As noted in Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary, the biblical notion of wisdom diverges from
the classical perspective, which seeks to unravel the enigmas of existence and the universe through
rational thought and philosophy. In Hebrew, the term for wisdom is “chokmah,” which encompasses
both practical skills and moral insight. Similarly, in the New Testament, “sophia” refers to wisdom
bestowed by God, encompassing both practical and spiritual understanding. This divine wisdom is
frequently contrasted with human wisdom, which is inherently limited and flawed. As James Draper
articulates, wisdom, from a biblical standpoint, constitutes the ability to live in a manner that is
pleasing to God; it transcends mere information retention.
How is Jesus inviting you to grow in wisdom (in the biblical sense) this year?
- What modifications must you implement to align your life more closely with God’s desires?
- How can you become more intentional in seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit this year?
2. Growing in Stature
In the Old Testament, stature often pertains to an individual’s physical growth or height. Conversely,
in the New Testament, stature frequently describes spiritual maturity and the growth of believers
(Ephesians 4:13). Given that the term “stature” is utilised literally and figuratively throughout
Scripture, we should consider how to integrate both dimensions into our objectives for this year.
2a. Growing in Physical Stature
In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Paul asks, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit,
who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price.
Therefore, honour God with your bodies.”
How is Jesus inviting you to honour God with your physical being this year?
- What steps must you take to maintain or enhance your physical and mental well-being this year?
- Which temptations must you actively resist?
2b. Growing in Spiritual Maturity
Progressing in spiritual maturity necessitates a lifelong commitment. As individuals mature in grace, they are gradually transformed from within, becoming more Christ-like (2 Corinthians 3:18). Colossians 3:10 emphasises that progressive sanctification occurs through daily spiritual discipline and renewal.
How is Jesus inviting you to advance in spiritual maturity this year?
- What spiritual disciplines can you cultivate?
3. Growing in Favor with God
The Hebrew word “khen” is often translated as favour or grace. It is understood that God’s grace and
favour are unmerited and cannot be earned. Grace and favour, however, also represent a dynamic
relationship between God and the individual He favours. Jesus possessed unwavering confidence in
His identity and purpose due to His intimate fellowship with His Father. By aspiring to grow in God’s
favour, we can attain greater security in our identity as defined by God, recognise that His love for us
is immeasurable, and endeavour to live by His Kingdom principles through the Holy Spirit’s
How is Jesus inviting you to adopt your new identity in Him?
- How will you strive to love and obey God more fully this year?
- How can you enhance your stewardship of time, talents, and resources?
- What actions will you take to discover or pursue your divinely ordained dreams?
4. Growing in Favour with Humanity
The link between favour with God and man in Luke 2:52 is intentional because as individuals grow closer to God, they begin to perceive, treat, and love others by how God views and loves humanity.
How is Jesus inviting you to extend blessings to others this year?
- How can you repair and strengthen familial relationships?
- In what ways can you improve your role as a neighbour, co-worker, or team member this year?
In conclusion, Luke 2:52 elucidates Jesus’ formula for growth. It is reassuring to recognise that we do not need to rely solely on our strength to grow in wisdom, stature, or favour with God and others because God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dru Perera is an international leader at CCNI. She is a certified coach with over two decades of leadership experience and a doctoral student at Christian Leadership University. For more information, visit her website: coachmyreset.com.