Introducing CCNI’s Newest Board Member Susan Litwiller

Introducing CCNI’s Newest Board Member Susan Litwiller, Director of Education, CCNI

I recently was able to have a conversation with our newest Board member, Susan Litwiller. Here is a portion of our conversation.

Debbie Fawcett, Director of Operations, CCNI


(Debbie): You are a lifetime member of CCNI, what does that mean?

(Susan) I joined CCNI back before the “I” was not included. I had recently finished my coaching certification and wanted to expand my client base as well as connect with other Christian coaches. I made the decision to join as a lifetime member because I believed in the vision and mission. Watching the network expand internationally has been amazing. Being a lifetime member, I have continual access to all the resources and benefit from the vast connection and collaboration and shared experiences of so many wonderful coaches.

(Debbie) How do you use your coaching skills in the education area?

(Susan) I am honored to be working on the Board as the Director of Education. I am passionate about being a lifelong learner and genuinely believe teaching people how to learn can be beneficial to society. Since coaching is more about listening and helping guide people by asking creative questions to unleash their own inner genius, I target my research to understand the learning process. I work with several educators and enjoy watching their breakthroughs expand to their curriculum and classroom instruction.

(Debbie) What do you appreciate about CCNI?

(Susan) As I mentioned, the resources are wonderful. Being able to peruse the archives when I am researching a topic is quite valuable. However, what I appreciate the most is the ability to connect with other coaches during the Women in Coaching monthly calls. The courses are fantastic for knowledge, but sometimes it is nice just to share victories, pray with each other through struggles and be encouraged through conversations with others who “get me”.

(Debbie) What is your area of expertise?

(Susan) I would not necessarily say expertise, but one of the gifts God has given me is the ability to make others laugh. Not in a stand-up comedian kind of way, but to walk through life and find the humor even in very heavy circumstances. What ignites my heart to swell with joy is watching people recognize and walk into their unique identity and giftedness. Speaking words of life sprinkled with a tad of snarky wit tends to break down any defense mechanisms and help the truth to land well.

(Debbie) What would you like to see CCNI do for the future?

(Susan) The world is in such a volatile time right now. Never in a zillion years would I have imagined this is what we would be facing on a global level. CCNI has a unique and brilliant opportunity to provide a light in the darkness. I feel we as an organization can continue to equip and train our community to be steadfast in Biblical principles to be able to coach others who are wavering during the uncertainty regardless of what country someone lives.

(Debbie) How are you coping during this Covid pandemic?

(Susan) Ha! I would have to say I am doing just as well as everyone. One day, full of hope and faith, knowing God is on the throne and other days, wondering what on earth is going on and when will it end. I hold fast to a vision I had at the beginning of the lockdown that fear is doing its best to knock everyone off balance and the power of love is waiting for the right exact moment to flood the earth with peace and hope. And of course, being surprised when packages arrive at my door from something I forgot I ordered at 3:00 am while scrolling through social media. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

(Debbie) Everyone is dying to know…what is your favorite dessert?

(Susan) I am not a big dessert eater, but my current indulgence is the (deadly) chocolate macadamia caramel sea salt clusters from Costco. How did they accidentally end up in my cart?? I only went in for toilet paper.

(Debbie) What resources would you recommend to other coaches?

(Susan) Oh boy. I am a self-proclaimed resource junkie so this is tough to not say everything. What I can recommend is be well-balanced with reading. I usually have a devotional or a bible study, a business book, and a leadership book, going at the same time. I also make sure I read both Christian and secular. I believe that if God can speak through a donkey, there are secular writers who have some great ideas. Years ago, I had the privilege of seeing Zig Zigler in person. One thing he said has always stayed with me. He said, “Every morning I read the Bible and the newspaper. I want to see what both sides are up to.” I think in order to reach the lost and dying world, we need to know what information they are taking in so our speaking truth can shine brighter.

(Debbie) Thank you, Susan. It’s been a pleasure talking with you today. We  are all excited to have you on CCNI’s board.
(Susan) Thank you. Looking forward to being part of the team.

Susan Litwiller is a life-long learner who is currently working on her second doctorate program. She worked in corporate America within industries such as banking, architecture, and pharmaceuticals before landing in education. Susan holds a bachelor’s in business management, an MBA with an emphasis in leadership, an Ed.S. with an emphasis in educational organization and has recently begun a PhD in psychology. Her coaching business focuses on single mothers, business leaders, and she is building programs that include neuroscience and compassionate inquiry which will help individuals walk in their design and identity to be fully present in their calling. She boasts proudly of her 4 adult children and proclaims loudly she has 3 of the cutest grandsons on the planet. Susan lives in southern California, but claims her heart still belongs to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Susan Litwiller can be reached at

NOTE: Our other open board positions for next year include Director of Membership, Director of Marketing and President-Elect. If you would like to serve the Christian coaches community or need more information on these board positions, contact Jenny Karr at

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