I Heart Volunteers

I have found that working as a volunteer and overseeing a group of volunteers has given me so many opportunities to grow in knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

I heart volunteers

I have summarized my thoughts and feelings into this “best things” about working as a volunteer and with volunteers:

1. Volunteering builds a sense of ownership. When volunteers work on a project it is no longer your organization, it’s Their organization. 🙂

2. Volunteering builds a sense of community. Working in a team to bring an idea to reality builds such a feeling of working together and group as well as personal accomplishment.

3. Volunteering helps to identify passions in volunteers. By volunteering for various initiatives and projects volunteers can “try on” a task and see if it fits.

4. Volunteering enables leaders to emerge for initiatives. The best interview process that I’ve ever been a part of is watching someone in action. By observing the work ethic and passions being played out, it allows the board to target individuals to help grow the organization.

5. Working with Volunteers expands your vision beyond a myopic view. Too many projects get micro managed by a select few. By opening the door to passionate volunteers the scope widens, and the reach generally extends. It’s been so exciting witnessing this in overseeing the Maximize 2016 E-Summit.

6. Working with volunteers builds a sense of appreciation and gratitude. As leaders, it’s important to constantly affirm and uplift our volunteers. They are giving us the gift of their most precious resource. Their time. We must respect that and handle it with the utmost care.

With all that said, I have to take a moment and give a shout out to your fellow CCNI members, my team of volunteers who are chairing the various initiatives for the Maximize 2016 E-Summit. Even though I tell them how much I appreciate them every day, I pray they realize how thankful I am for each of them and that I pray God’s richest blessings on them daily.

• Staci Witten – Speaker Chair
• Kelly McClelland – Technical Chair
• Christina Whitten Woollen – Marketing & Social Media Chair
• Renee Oscarson – Awards Chair

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (Eph 4:16)

I am looking forward to working with more of you as CCNI grows and develops.

Author: Donna Duren holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Cedarville University, and a diploma from Word of Life Bible Institute in Schroon Lake, NY. and is currently working toward an ACC credential through ICF. She has also completed the Group Coaching Mastery through CCI.
Donna is currently a CCNI Board Member and Marketing Director.

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