A Word of Encouragement from CCNI Board Member Donna Duren

And so I am sure that God, who began this good work in you, will carry it on until it is finished on the Day of Christ Jesus.  Philippians 1:6 Good News Translation (GNT)

Donna DurenIn my coaching business, XtraordinaryLiving.com, I tightly hold to the encouragement penned by the Apostle Paul to the Church at Philippi.  As I begin a client’s journey with me, I am reminded of the verse in Phil 1:6.  In my practice, I primarily work with those who have been impacted by addiction, either their own, or that of a loved one.  My family was one of these who lived with addiction.  Our dependencies were spread across the realm, from drugs, alcohol, prescription medications, work, food and relationships.  Each one played out differently, with one ending tragically in the death of my older brother at the age of 33 to acute alcoholism.  This was the beginning of my own story of recovery, and recognizing the insanity that surrounded me as I grew from a child into adulthood.

My addiction of choice is food and relationships.  As I am sure you can imagine, this works great when you are a born again Christian continually celebrating food in our fellowships.  And, we all know giving everything to everyone else is considered “Godly”.  God had to break me as only He can.  After years of peeling back the onion, I am confident:

“Because of Christ’s redemption, I am a new creation of infinite worth. I am deeply loved, I am completely forgiven, I am fully pleasing. I am totally accepted by God.  I am absolutely complete in Christ. When my performance reflects my true identity in Christ, that reflection is dynamically unique.  There has never been another person like me in the history of mankind nor will there ever be.  God has made me an original, one of a kind, really somebody!” (Search for Significance:  Robert McGee)

This message is how I pray my clients will hear as I engage fully with them, actively listening, affirming what they say and allowing them to peel back the onion of their own life.  It has been my experience working in Recovery ministries for nearly 25 years, that recovering people are sometimes hanging on to their sobriety by their fingernails.  Even though they are clean and sober, they have not grasped the extraordinary life that God has ordained for them.  What a gift it is to know that God is not finished with my client, or with me, that he is allowing me to participate with Him as He continues to do the work in them.

My prayer for all my fellow coaches out there is to not be discouraged.  May you have this hope:  That God who began this good work in you and will carry it on until it is finished on the Day of Jesus Christ.  This day we will all rejoice together in the presence of our King.  Starting each coaching session with this assurance makes such a difference for me, as I pray it does for you.

Allow me to share with you a song by Mercy Me, that sums up my heart for you and for your clients.

About the Author: Donna Duren is a Certified Professional Life Coach along with decades of real life experience.  She attended Word of Life Bible Institute and holds a degree from Cedarville University. Donna’s experience includes working with people around setting healthy boundaries, understanding personality, dealing with food issues, and coping with codependency/relationship issues. In all this, she loves to walk alongside people as they discover their true value in Christ. Donna is currently a CCNI Board Member and Marketing Director.

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