Coaching as One Anothering – Devotion and Preference – part 7

by Pamela Mertz, PCC, CPCC Director of Education, CCNI

Rom 12:10 Be devoted to One another in brotherly love, give preference to one another
in honor

Being devoted to one another and giving preference in honor is something we can most
definitely apply to our coaching practices.

As a Christian coach, we come to our calls with the Holy Spirit as a team. We are
seeking the Lord with and for the client, so that they can receive all that they need from

Being devoted to our clients as a coach means demonstrating brotherly, tender, gentle
love for them. Showing devotion could look like expressing empathy with your presence
as a coach, when appropriate. Staying with them as they share, with some utterances,
and acknowledgements is being “devoted” to them in the moment. By allowing clients
to express themselves, and be free of judgment in a session, we are creating a space
for them to experience devotion and preference; or it could also be gently reminding
them of their values when they may have side stepped into a situation or thought trail
that counters these same values.

We also do give preference to our clients in a few ways. When we give the client the
choice of what to work on in a session, we are giving them preference. When we
remain curious, with open ended questions, we are preferring their ideas, their concepts
and ultimately inviting them to ideate with God. This preference is gentle and yet firm,
as we hold the process of coaching securely for our clients.

By demonstrating commitment to our clients in how we maintain presence as well as
listen intentionally, we are expressing devotion to them and their desire to move
forward. We get the privilege of holding the space for silence – preferring this sacred
space for God to speak, as a way to “one another” our clients. These simple but
powerful coaching techniques and tools are ways to express honor to our clients in
meaningful ways.

What might you try in your next coaching session that could more clearly demonstrate
devotion, preference and honor to your clients?

Pamela Mertz, CPCC, PCC is passionate about Christian coaching and loves sharing how God continues to show her how impactful it is for the world! She works with many Christian coaches around the globe through her roles at Promised Land Living, Professional Christian Coaching Institute and CCNI as Board Secretary.  For more information about Pamela you can visit her website at

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