Christian Coaching – An Overview

by Dr. R.A. Weigel

No believer can reach their full potential by themselves. There are multiple blocks throughout a
believer’s life that keep them from seeing what might be obvious to a Christian Coach. When a
believers has a Christian Coach in their life that truly cares about who they are now and their potential
for what God has called them to be in the future, the believer is suddenly richer than they might imagine.

Do you realize that any time a Christian is not living up to their potential it’s robbing God of glory that
would come his way if they did? When believers get serious about doing something significant in their
life — serious about giving God the glory by standing out as a Christian — serious about moving
forward in an area of concern, interest, and need — then they need a Christian coach to help them
realize the fullness of their calling and build the plans to bring it to reality.

The number of Christians who have been called by God to coach and help the other people in the body
of Christ to reach their full potential is limited in number. It truly is a unique ministry and it’s a function
in and for the body of Christ that can bring about greater faith, impact, health, and prosperity to the
entire body of believers.

What Is Christian Coaching
The world will judge you only by your past performance.
Your coach supports your future potential.
The world tells you you’ve things to live down.
Your coach gives you support for things to live up to.
The world wants to write you off.
Your coach wants to write you in.
The world points to your sins and faults.
Your coach helps you see the Christ in you as perfect.
The world wants you to give up.
Your coach wants to assist you as conqueror.
The world wants to label you for dismissal.
Your coach helps you reinvent yourself to go beyond labels.
The world wants to strip you of your individuality.
Your coach want to help you see your uniqueness in the body of Christ.

It’s not the comfort of complacency or the world’s lies that helps a believer to move to the next level
of their Christian walk. Just as believers understand that superficiality of prayer or untried faith won’t
win them eternal rewards, a believer’s life is not fulfilled unless they’re consistently improving in some
God-ordained capacity. God never made any believer to be spiritually content.

Life is fraught with some failings that when turned on their head, through intense Christian coaching,
builds new successes. Life is complex with challenges that when addressed through the lens of the
Christian coaching conversation become the discovery of how to go above and beyond what initially
appeared as limiting conditions. God designed Christian coaching, and God will help the committed
Christian coach to help believers to build a vision and trajectory for the implementation of actions that
impact the body of Christ, all while bringing glory to the name of God.

Dr, Richard Wegel, CPLS, CPCC, CPVC and CEO of ProEdCoach, LLC,served as President of CCNI from 2020-June 2024. He is a certified Leadership and Visioneering Coach. He is the author of “Engaging Christian Leaders: A Talent-Based Coaching Workbook:. As CEO of ProEdCoach, LLC he leads teams of educators to provide a new model of education for Christian schools with over 20 years leading school districts.  You can reach out to Dr. Weigell at PROEDCOACH@GMAIL.COM

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