The Christian Coaches Network International Welcomes New Board Members

The CCNI Board of Directors Welcomes Its Newest Members, Forming Its Largest Board To Date  

CCNI Board of Directors

During January 20-22, 2017, the CCNI Board of Directors met in Orlando, Florida for its second annual board retreat and meeting. The entire CCNI Board was in attendance totaling 10 members; the largest in our history. Board members are pictured above from left to right in top row:  Director, Strategy: Angela J. Herrington, LSCC; Secretary: Mary-Margaret Armstrong, CAE, CMP;  Director, Marketing: Donna Duren, CPLC; President: Kelly E. McClelland, CCMC, CTTCC, CJSS. In the bottom from left to right: President-elect: L. Marie Trotter, PCC, CPLC; Director, Membership: Cathy Lee, ACC, CCC, CPLC; Director, Credentialing: Karen Hendrix, MBA, ACC, CCC; Immediate Past President: Dr. Michael J. Marx, MBA, EdD, PCC; Director, Education Enrichment/Point of Need: Paul D. Olmstead and Treasurer: Karen Kornik, ACC, CPLC. It was a blessing to fellowship and pray in addition to strategize new ideas for 2017.

The CCNI Board of Directors are pleased to announce that the top three initiatives determined at the January strategic planning meeting for 2017 will be:

1. community engagement
2. helping members with client acquisition
3. business building services

Below are introductions from CCNI newest  board members, L. Marie Trotter, Angela J. Herrington, Paul D. Olmstead and Karen Hendrix. Please help us welcome them by commenting on this post!

President-Elect: L. Marie Trotter, PCC, CPLC
President-Elect: L. Marie Trotter, PCC, CPLC

Hello Christian coaching community!

I am a print media expert and Professional Certified Coach (PCC).

I have worked as an editor and writer for over 15 years, and received my coach training in 2009 through Erickson College. I became a PCC through the International Coach Federation in 2014. My coaching niches are author and book development, community and organizational capacity building, communications, and leadership development. I earned a BA in Professional and Technical Writing from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, and a MS in Leadership and Ethics from John Brown University.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we have the capacity to be excellent in everything we put our hands to, granted we seek to please God in our efforts. The Lord gave me a tagline for my business, and it really ministers to me. The tagline says, “Life. It’s not about you. But, you can be amazing in it.”

Everything is about God. If we yield to that truth, the Lord can use us in mighty ways. CCNI gives us a platform where we can be amazing in coaching– learning and growing in the field– while also accepting that at the end of the day, it’s not about us. It’s about God and what He chooses to do through us for others. Let’s work together to make 2017 a year we can be proud of together.

Greetings Fellow CCNI Members!

Paul D. Olmstead
Director, Education Enrichment/Point of Need: Paul D. Olmstead

My wife and I are missionaries with New Tribes Mission, and I serve as NTM’s Training Facilitator and Coach for our new and veteran missionaries raising support to go to/back to their field of service.  My wife, Susan, serves as an Administrative Assistant in Personnel.

I am excited to join CCNI’s Board of Directors.  I view it as an excellent opportunity to give back to the CCNI community.  A community that has helped me better understand Coaching in general, and Ministry Coaching specifically over the past three years.

I know the past year has brought some changes to CCNI.  Two of those changes – we are now a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, and we have expanded our Board of Directors.  I believe both of these will help us better serve each other and our clients in 2017–and years to come.

My role as a CCNI Board Director is to provide educational enrichment opportunities to help us better serve our clients.  I will also be helping to move forward the continued launch and management of our CCNI Point of Need initiative.

What can you expect from me as your Director of Educational Enrichment in 2017:

  • Review and understand what we currently offer (CCEUs, Masterminds, etc.).
  • Serve as Melodee’s backup for facilitating our webinars, and understand our scheduling process, etc.
  • Consider what educational offerings we should continue with, change, do away with, or add for 2018.

We will be seeking your input regarding this later in the year.

  • Consider what we can provide (tools, workshops, etc.) that will help us generate new clients for our coaching businesses this year. We are forming a subcommittee for this initiative.  If you have input or would like to volunteer to serve this year, please email me (

Again, I am excited about what the Lord is going to do in and through CCNI, our new Board of Directors, and through you in 2017.  God bless.

Welcome to 2017, CCNI’s most exciting year to date!

Angela J Herrington, LSCC
Director, Strategy: Angela J. Herrington, LSCC

I’m honored to be a part of your leadership team and bring oodles of online business and coaching experience to the organization.

As a full-time life and digital strategy coach for Christian entrepreneurs, I teach coaches, authors, and business owners how to leverage blogging, social media, and tech in their businesses. I help clients create a streamlined system that helps them automate where possible and do more of what they love.

You should also know I’m passionate about spreading Christian encouragement online through social media and blogging. It’s my #1 calling and in addition to my coaching platform, I run two online women’s ministries that do this every day. Each month we reach over 300,000 people in 40+ countries through social media and I love creating a safe place online where women can ask hard questions about life and faith without fear of bullying or isolation. My dream is that CCNI’s online presence will grow into the same type of space for all kinds of Christian coaches.

After spending three days at the annual planning meeting I’m excited to share that we are bringing you new tools, tips, and trainings to help you grow your coaching business. Later this year we will be rolling out some new easy to use member resource pages chock full of free and low cost tools to manage your coaching business. Our website and social media platforms are also getting a makeover to make them easy to use and easy to share with your coaching friends.

As a board member, my 2017 goals are to help you build a sustainable coaching business, leverage our soon to be updated online presence to bring in more members, and to help CCNI become the go to resource for all things Christian coaching.

I’m honored to be a part of this highly talented team and look forward to meeting many of you this year!

Feel free to pop over to my websites or social platforms and say Hello!

Karen Hendrix, MBA, ACC, CCC
Director of Credentialing: Karen Hendrix, MBA, ACC, CCC

Karen believes that each one of us is placed on this planet with God given gifts, personalities, core values as well as life and educational experiences that allows us to bring something to the world that no other individual can bring. She believes it is our joy and our duty to explore what that uniqueness is and to serve for the betterment of humanity by sharing our uniqueness. One way I contribute is by teaching and mentoring new coaches as they have the opportunity to go out and reach others. As a human being, she contributes by affirming and empowering others to live in alignment with their purpose.

Indeed, it is an exciting year for CCNI! Please leave a comment below to welcome our newest board members or to let us know what you think about our direction for 2017.

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