CCNI President: December Message to Christian Coach Members

As we approach the end of 2017, I want to thank our board members and volunteers for their selfless contribution to our association. Each one has family and their own coaching practice and willingly gives of their time and gifting to help CCNI bring valuable service and divine connections that will help them succeed. Special thanks to Mary-Margaret Armstrong, our Secretary, for the countless hours of dedicated work she put into our tribe’s foundation. Her expertise in association management and keen sense of organization and business has been outstanding. Michael Marx, our Immediate Past President, is one of the busiest men around. He never lacks for ideas and is always ready to help with things created by the unexpected. He’s not going too far away, we won’t let him, but bylaws require him to not be on the board in the coming year.

Melodee Claassen has had to keep up with a ton of changes as CCNI has grown and transitioned this past year. That made a difficult job even more challenging as we’ve blazed new trails and updated technology. She has burned the midnight oil and kept things moving forward and we are grateful for her service. Tahneesha Smith has improved our presence on social media and the blog and silently been a life-saver when we needed help with other issues.

Special thanks to our organizational sponsors, Christian Coach InstituteCreative Results Management and Professional Christian Coaching Institute who are recognized coach training organizations that provide valuable training to new and practicing coaches. I encourage you to use their services for keeping yourself up to date on the latest coaching training. We also salute our partnership with Coach Approach Ministries and Christian Coaching Magazine. Several of our members have contributed articles to the only magazine that focuses on the practice of Christian Coaching. Be sure to check them out.

As the year ends, many have been scrambling to gather CEU’s that are needed for renewing their credentials with ICF. These organizations are connected and respected by CCNI and are the best place to start your search for CEU’s and courses designed with the integration of Christian faith as a core value.

For the past few years, I’ve experienced a slow-down in business during December.  It created a good time to regroup and plan for the year ahead. But this year may be different as suddenly more and more inquiries and opportunities for coaching seem to be showing up! My prayer is that you are experiencing a similar increase and that it will continue into the coming year.

As I write this, we’re heading into Thanksgiving week here in the US. I trust that you had a good time with family and friends and once again gave thanks to the Lord for all He has done. As we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth I wish you all a joyful time and the merriest Christmas yet. We’re looking for the best year ever for CCNI and blessings to all for your participation and fellowship.


Kelly McClleland, CCNI President 2017

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