As I See It
by Michael Baker, MS, CSC, CCNI Director of Membership and Outreach “Do as I say, not as I do.” Decades later I still hear my
by Michael Baker, MS, CSC, CCNI Director of Membership and Outreach “Do as I say, not as I do.” Decades later I still hear my
by R.A. Weigel, Ed.D, CPCC, CLPC, and President of CCNI Who you are today is the perfect person for your present reality, but not the
by Susan Litwiller, MNC., Ed.S., MBA, CCNI Director of n Last month I began a seven-part series on prayer. As I mentioned, I have committed
by Druinie Marion Perera, MCapSc, BEdm, BA, PGDipSpTchg In a world obsessed with productivity and achievement; rest is perceived as the elusive reward for hard
BY Dr. R.A. WEIGEL, ED.D, CPCC, CLPC, AND PRESIDENT OF CCNI Zechariah 4:10a (NLT) – Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices
by Susan Litwiller, MNC, Ed.S., MBA, CCNI Director of Education Recently, the Lord placed on my heart the power of prayer. This has led me
by R.A. Weigel, Ed.D, CCC, CLPC, and President of CCNI It truly is exciting to consider how each of us was designed by God so
by Pam Mertz, ACC, CPLC We are entering into a season of Thanksgiving and Gratitude for so much – when we reflect on all God
by R.A. Weigel, Ed.D, CCC, CLPC, and President of CCNI If you were in the position, would you hire Jesus? If you were considering his
by Susan Litwiller, Ed.S, MBA Genesis16: 6b Then Sarai mistreated Hagar; so she fled from her. 7 The angel of the Lord found Hagar near
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