Category: Coaching Community

Business of Coaching

Moral Authority in Coaching

by R.A. Weigel Moral authority is our ability to lead, help, coach, and serve others, not by title or position, but by the godly way

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Business of Coaching

Powerless to Powerful

by Kim Avery I often think that running this coaching business would be much easier if Jesus just appeared before me in the flesh and

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Christian Life

Time Stewardship 101 – Part 1

by R.A. Weigel Time Management! It seems that nearly everyone has some problem with time. No matter what you do… you’ll always have a finite

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Business of Coaching

The Art of Learning – Part 1

by Dr. R.A. Weigel Psalm 119:73 (ESV) – Your hands have made and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn your commandments. “Learning

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Business of Coaching

As I See It

by Michael Baker, MS, CSC, CCNI Director of Membership and Outreach “Do as I say, not as I do.” Decades later I still hear my

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