Behind the Scenes at CCNI

Joe Donaldson, MA, CCLC, ACC
President – CCNI

I’m excited to tell you about two behind-the-scenes initiatives your CCNI Board is working on. These two initiatives are still in development, so you’ll want to watch for detailed official announcements in the coming weeks. Here’s a brief description of each:

The Business of Coaching Series
Tentatively scheduled for June, CCNI is putting together a series of 8 webinars from some of the best coaching business practitioners around. You’ve been trained as a coach and even certified! But what are the best practices for developing and maintaining a thriving coaching business? Do you need a website? A social media presence? Insurance? How do you attract and keep clients? How much should you charge? Should you offer coaching “packages”? The list of business-related questions is almost endless! Our Business of Coaching Series will offer relevant, actionable, solutions for the business side of your coaching practice. We are hoping to offer the series over a span of two weeks. In addition, we are exploring ways to repeat the series and to make a recorded self-paced version available. Watch for registration details early next month.

CCNI Program Accreditation
Program Accreditation will review coach training programs to determine if the course work meets robust training requirements to prepare graduates to incorporate the CCNI Core Competencies into their coaching. CCNI Program Accreditation would permit graduates of either ICF or non-ICF approved programs to apply for individual CCNI credentialing without having to document each individual course. This would be especially beneficial for those programs not seeking ICF approval but would also be appropriate for those who are. CCNI is currently working with a non-ICF approved program as a pilot.

This is how CCNI defines Christian coaching:

A Christian coach uses the skills of professional coaching to enable clients to affect change, create new awareness, and move into action, while keeping in mind the bigger picture of humanity as taught by a biblical worldview. Since clientele vary in their walks of life or perspectives on faith, the coach chooses frameworks that best suit the client’s agenda. The biblical perspective remains the lens from which the coach views the client, but the integration of that perspective is sensitively adapted to the individuality of the client.

I believe both of these initiatives will further our goal of growing and strengthening the Christian Coaching community! Continue to pray for your board members as they volunteer significant time and effort to bring these initiatives to life in ways which are consistent with this definition.

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]×640.png[/author_image] [author_info]Joe Donaldson (ACC) is currently serving as President for CCNI. Joe is a Licensed Trainer for the COACH Model for Christian Leaders, an author and seminar leader for the How-To Manual for Volunteer Youth Leaders. He has extensive speaking/teaching experience with groups ranging from 5 to 500. He also is a certified Church Consultant with Society for Church Consultants and has 35 years full-time pastoral ministry experience.

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