Wait on the Lord and Expect from Him

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘“The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him. (Lamentations 3:22-24).

I was well into adulthood before I stopped making New Year Resolutions. As a child, I thought there was something about the start of a new year itself that made desires and goals easier to realize than any other time of year. Even as I grew older, I held on to the possibility of a fresh start each January, though I no longer called my goals resolutions. Today, I still quietly wonder about the possibilities in a new calendar year, though no expectations…at least not of the year itself.

Years ago, the Lord spoke these words into my spirit: Expect from Me. That command did wonders for my prayer life. Lord, I am really expecting You to come though on this one. Lord, I expect something good is about to happen—I know I can trust You…I know You’ll come through.

In a world where we are expected to be and do more nonstop, we often miss the power of waiting on the Lord and expecting from Him. When we are not consumed by the pressures of the moment or overcome by failures large and small, it is easy to forget that it is so because of the Lord’s compassions. It is not so because we “got there first” or “had a better plan” or any other rationale of self-sufficiency. We make strides each day, we pick ourselves up each day, and we begin anew every morning because the Lord is faithful to us. He is our exceeding great reward, our safe place, and our portion.

As we move into 2018 as an organization, CCNI board members will be waiting on the Lord and expecting great things from the Lord. Last year, we set a number of new initiatives in motion and we reached some goals along the way. This year, we plan to dig deeper into our mission, perfect those things that we have begun, while learning to serve you better in the process. The coaching industry continues to grow and as it does, we will do our best to stay abreast of the changes and the opportunities available to our members.

Meanwhile, we encourage you discover the power of waiting on God and expecting from Him in 2018. When your next step is unclear or when you know what to do but are afraid to move forward, wait on God and expect from Him. CCNI continues to work hard to be an organization of high professional standards and spiritual integrity. You help make CCNI an organization to be proud of, and we pray for your success both naturally and spiritually.

In the Name that is above every name (Philippians 2:9).


Author: L. Marie Trotter is a business writer, book and magazine publishing expert, speaker, radio host, and trained life coach. She received her coach training through Erickson College, and she is a PCC member of the International Coach Federation. Her coaching niches are author and book development, community and organizational capacity building, leadership development, and communications. Marie is the founder of L.A.M.P. Sessions (Leadership Accountability Mentorship and Prayer), which connects and trains Christian women in leadership. Marie is currently the CCNI President-Elect.

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