Helping Our Clients Find God’s Purpose: ICF Competency #8 Creating Awareness

Creating Awareness—Ability to integrate and accurately evaluate multiple sources of information and to make interpretations that help the client to gain awareness and thereby achieve agreed-upon results. (ICF Competencies)

One of the things I like most about being a Christian coach is the freedom to apply our faith within our coaching.  I prefer to view the world through the lens of Scripture.  I especially enjoy thinking of how the ICF competencies align with my Biblical worldview.  One way that I explore how that is possible is to do word study around the keywords of each competency.

cross with sunlight

In this brief article I will share some thoughts I gleaned about creating awareness.

Creating made me think of a key verse for Christian coaches, Eph 2:10 NKJV.

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

This verse reminds me that each individual is uniquely created by God, our Creator.  We are his workmanship.  The New Living Translation translates that phrase as, “For we are God’s masterpiece.”  What can we do to help our clients think of themselves in that new light?

It is also clear that each of us is created for a purpose; good works that God made ready for us to accomplish.  As this thought rolled around in my brain, the Holy Spirit stirred up questions,

What are those good works that are prepared for me?  How will I accomplish them?  What are the ways God created me to do this?”

This questioning marks the beginning of a desire to become aware of our God-given talents, abilities, strengths, experiences and the important way God has planned our walk!  As a Christian coach, I want to fan that desire to become aware.  I want to be a partner and help clients fulfill their unique calling.

When I looked up the word translated aware and how it is used in the Bible, I focused mainly on the New Testament usage.  Depending on your favorite translation and verse, that word is usually ginosko in the Greek.  Here’s a challenge to you… drill down in Strong’s and Vine’s New Testament Words and plumb the depth of meaning around that word ginosko.

I found several verses which show how Jesus was aware of His surroundings and even the thoughts and intentions of others.  Wow!  Help clients become more aware of the world and people around them as that can lead to greater insights, growth, and impact.  Believers must strive to be like Christ and He was aware!

In your private devotional times, in this coming year, I want to encourage you to work through the ICF Competencies.  Take on one per month, ponder the words and apply a Biblical worldview.  Find Scripture with the help of the Holy Spirit and your favorite online tools and apps!  See what God shows you about how to inspire your clients with encouragement and edifying Christian coaching as you apply your faith to your sessions.  Enjoy the journey!

Kelly E. McClellandAbout the Author: Kelly E. McClelland is the current president of the Christian Coaches Network International.  In November 2010, Kelly launched Transition Time Coach, LLC  based in Orlando, Florida. There he focuses on helping missionaries, ministers and ministry staffers navigate life and career transitions. His passion is helping believers discover who God created them to be so they can live out their unique calling and purpose with the help of the Holy Spirit. Kelly is a Certified Career Management Coach, Certified Tough Transition Coach, and Certified Job Search Strategist.

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