Energy Leaks

As entrepreneurs and sole proprietors, the energy for our businesses must come from us. Because we are the source of momentum, it’s important we use it our energy well and consider where we might have “energy leaks.”

Think about the energy saving steps we take for our homes.  We spend time and money sealing duct work, upgrading windows to double or triple pane with the addition of argon gas fills, or adding electric thermostats with programmed increases or decreases in temperature so that we are not cooling or heating an empty house.

Your home has not changed one bit to the outside eye, but to the trained eye, an inspector will see and appreciate the upgrades. Even more importantly, you will experience the benefits of those upgrades when you pay your utility bills and enjoy the increased comfort that comes from living in a more energy efficient environment. Now, apply this concept to your business.

To the outsider, your business will not seem to have changed much if you spend some time analyzing opportunities for energy efficiency.  However, in the long run, everyone benefits. You show up to your calls differently with greater enthusiasm and liveliness. You’ll have more room and time for your business and for the things that are important outside of work. Perhaps, most importantly, you will be able to focus on activities that bring energy which in turn will help fuel your business.

What are some ways you can create energy efficiency in your practice that supports you?

Step 1: Ask a few powerful questions or have a buddy coach ask you these questions.

  • What are the activities that you know are wasting your time and energy?
  • What are the activities that you think might be wasting your time and energy?

Step 2: Now test out your list. For the next week write down each time you sense a possible ‘energy leak’ in your practice.  Some ideas might be:

  • Spending more time than you wanted on the phone with a potential client.
  • Spinning your wheels trying to come up with a way to respond to an email
  • Troubleshooting a technical problem
  • Calendaring and setting appointment schedules
  • Not having the call in instructions handy
  • Unscheduled interruptions
  • Arriving late to calls or appointments

Be specific in writing down the activity/event that caused that “energy leak.”

Step 3. Utilize your coach or ask yourself these questions.

  • Which item causes you the most trouble…or wastes most of your energy and time?
  • Which items are self-generated and thereby fully controllable?

Step 4: Prioritize your “energy leaks.” From there, you can develop a game plan to “seal” that area for greater efficiency.

Energy leaks in business are really a matter of self-management. By identifying these leaks you are one step closer to improving your capacity and productivity.                                                                                                 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Cheryl Scanlan PCC, CPCC combines a strong business acumen with a passion for the Christian coaching industry. She facilitates a quarterly Traction Group where she provides practical content and expert mentoring to coaches who are building their businesses. Follow the link for more information on Traction Groups. To connect with Cheryl for personal coaching or mentoring visit her CCN Profile or website at

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