The Way Up Is Down

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand…” (Zechariah 4:10, New Living Translation)

News outlets are reporting that the recent Oscar awards show had an all-time ratings low along with some other recent big television events. We live in a big world with lots of events and things and people vying for our attention. Sometimes it may seem easier to imagine ourselves on a large stage or platform or the “world stage” if you will, doing big things instead of doing the lowly, small, challenging work of contributing, participating, and serving where we are planted. I speak from experience.

Almost 20 years ago, I was in church, admiring the anointing and the ministry of a guest speaker. He had a beautiful family and he clearly had a powerful calling upon his life. As I looked on, the Spirit of the Lord spoke these words to me: The way up is down. The Lord did not rebuke me for admiring the guest speaker’s ministry and imagining the great things the Lord could have in store for my life. Instead, the Lord told me how to get there! I understood Him to mean that in God’s Kingdom, we are greatest when we serve and that true positions of honor only come when we have learned to humble ourselves in service to others…not despising the small beginnings of life, but approaching them with a heart of gratitude… just overjoyed to be a part of God’s plan.

If you are a member of CCNI, I encourage you to bring your ideas, talents and your needs “to the table” of this small yet determined organization by participating in mastermind events, webinars, and even writing for Coach Approach Ministries magazine, which is one of our partner coaching organizations. Being a part of professional organizations that lifts up the Name of Jesus and honor the Father in other ways is a rare blessing, especially in the times in which we live.

We do not have to receive awards or have our name in lights to be pleasing to the Lord. When we are willing to serve where we are planted, the Lord can take our efforts…our small beginnings and do great and mighty things for others through us! When I tell you that CCNI is better because of you, know that it is true. If we can serve you in a better way, tell us how. If you would like to begin participating in more events and partner-opportunities, let us know and we’ll do our best to get you plugged in.

The Lord knows who you are and what He has called you to do in this season. He knows your name. We are blessed to know it too and to be a part of this season of your life.

About the Author: Marie Trotter is a business writer, book and magazine publishing expert, speaker, radio host, and trained life coach. She received her coach training through Erickson College, and she is a PCC member of the International Coach Federation. Her coaching niches are author and book development, community and organizational capacity building, leadership development, and communications. Marie is the founder of L.A.M.P. Sessions (Leadership Accountability Mentorship and Prayer), which connects and trains Christian women in leadership.

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