Year: 2016

Coaching Tools

Listening Heart to Heart

One of our main functions as a life coach is to listen to our clients.  But listening is about a lot more than just hearing

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Coaching Specialties

A Coach’s Drive

With the theme of this edition being “Count Your Blessings”, let’s begin with a moment of self-revelation. One of the things for which I am

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Coaching Tools

Metaphors in Coaching

 By definition a metaphor in coaching is a figure of speech that “creates powerful, rapid learning by linking what is unfamiliar or novel with what

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CCNI Member Info

Made for Good Works

“…For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Eph 2:10 NKJV)

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CCNI Member Info

I Heart Volunteers

I have found that working as a volunteer and overseeing a group of volunteers has given me so many opportunities to grow in knowledge, understanding

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