Year: 2010

Coaching Tools

Soliloquy As A Coaching Tool For Spiritual Growth

In the coaching world, self-talk is often seen as a foe. Soliloquy, soul-searching internal dialogue, has been advocated by Augustine as early as the 4th Century as a tool for spiritual development. This article outlines the importance of soliloquy as a coaching tool and some important principles for using this tool to guide the client in spiritual formation.

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Business of Coaching

Running Effective Meetings

Running effective meetings? You know exactly what I’m talking about:  out-of-control meetings with out-of-control people with out-of-control emotions resulting in a poorly crafted action plan

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Business of Coaching

New Coaches Should Brand

Not to oversimplify, but branding is simply having a cohesive look and a cohesive message. Put another way, it’s the packaging and communicating of what

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Coaching Specialties

Why a Christian Coach?

Will any coach do or should I select a Christian coach? Coaching is becoming better known in the Christian world and a lot of it

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