Tag: coaching ethics

Business of Coaching

Moral Authority in Coaching

by R.A. Weigel Moral authority is our ability to lead, help, coach, and serve others, not by title or position, but by the godly way

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Become a Christian Coach

Coaching Ethics 101: Ethics and Etiquette

There are numerous points that might offend a client if you are not adequately aware of the nuances of the cultural and background knowledge of the situation. A caring coach should at all times be curious and considerate about the client’s needs and values.

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Coaching Community

Ethics 101 – Shalomification

by Michael J. Marx A friend of mine is fond of referring to his calling as bringing “shalomification” to the world. His premise is from

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Coaching Ethics

The River of Ethics

“But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” (Amos 5:24 ESV) Ethics is a river. I choose to charge my

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