Prayer is the Master-Weapon: Prayer of Consecration

by Susan Litwiller, MNC, Ed.S., MBA, CCNI Director of Education

Recently, the Lord placed on my heart the power of prayer. This has led me to pray specifically for CCNI as an organization, for each coach member – both individuals and businesses, and clients both current and potential. Spurgeon says,

“Prayer is the master-weapon. We should be greatly wise if we used it more.”

Yes. we all know that prayer is powerful. However, I found for myself I wasn’t tapping into all that was available. Spurgeon goes on to say, “We need not fear a frowning world while we rejoice in a prayer-hearing God. Be not slack in asking, if he be so abundant in bestowing.” I began to ponder, what if we took the Lord at His Word and prayed? You know, ask the Giver to Give?

The Bible says much on the subject of prayer. As much as we’d like, there are no secret formulas on how to pray. However, God does provide us with some very specific kinds of prayer that truly touch His heart and move Him to action.

Ephesians 6:18 — Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching hereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.

There are seven different kinds of prayer presented in the New Testament.

  • prayer of consecration
  • the prayer of petition
  • prayer of authority
  • prayer of thanksgiving
  • prayer of agreement
  • prayer of supplication
  • prayer of intercession.

Over the next few months, I will share something on each of these kinds of prayer based upon the teaching of Rick Renner.

Each of these types of prayer is very important and serves a different purpose. The fact that there are so many kinds of prayer lets us know that one-size prayer does not fit all situations. When we use the right prayer at the right time, powerful things take place!

Let’s start with the Prayer of Consecration.

Prayer of Consecration – The first type of prayer talked about all throughout the New Testament is the prayer of consecration. It is taken from a translation of the Greek word proseuchomai, which is the compound of the words pros and euchomai. The word pros denotes something that is close or intimate. This is very important because it tells us that prayer is intended to bring us into a place of divine intimacy. The second part of the word, the Greek word euchomai, is a derivative of the word euche, which is the word for a vow or a commitment. It pictures us coming to the altar drawing near to the Lord where we commit ourselves and pledge ourselves to God and ask Him to do something in our life. The compound word proseuchomai — the prayer of consecration — is the number one most widely used word for prayer in the New Testament, appearing more than 127 times.

If God tells us something 127 times, we should take heed as it is an important aspect of our lives with Jesus.

This particular Greek word proseuchomai, tells us that prayer is how we meet face-to-face to have an encounter with God as well as where we make a vow to fully surrender our lives to Him in exchange for Him giving us His life and answering our request.

Each Monday, I open a zoom room and pray for 30 minutes for each of you. There are a couple of other prayer warriors who join me when they can. We are seeking the Lord for breakthroughs, healings, business ideas and growth, provision, and community. It’s an absolute honor and joy. We are expecting miracles beyond all we can hope, think, or imagine.

Please send along any prayer requests as well as praise reports for your coaching practices to I’d be delighted to link spiritual arms with each of you.

If you are a member of CCNI, you can join our prayer meeting from your computer Monday mornings at 9:30 am EST. Every week for the year, you are being covered in prayer.

Join us for Monday morning prayer time – designed to specifically pray over your business.

This is a member-exclusive opportunity. To join us, log in to From the menu select MEMBER CENTRAL then MEMBER NEWS. We look forward to spending time in prayer with you.

If you are not a member,  let this be your prompting to join Christian Coaches International Network today.

Susan Litwiller, Ed.S, MBA is a Certified Master NeuroCoach, Strengths Champion Coach, and a John Maxwell Team Training Coach. She is the Director of Education for CCNI and facilitates our Evening Women in Coaching Community group which meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 8pm EDT. She can be reached at

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