Join Christian Coaches Network International

When you join Christian Coaches Network International you are joining the most tenured association of Christian coaches.  We exist to serve a movement and network of Christian coaches who are approaching coaching from a Christian faith perspective.  

We provide pathways for new and established coaches to experience the following benefits:

  • Christian faith integration into all of our events and programs
  • Monthly webinars and resources to sharpen your coaching confidence and effectiveness
  • Learning communities and various affinity groups to build your network and help you find your community
  • The credibility and next step of development through our three levels of credentials.  This is the important next step after becoming a certified coach from your coaching program to validate your coaching and continue on your growth path
  • Mentor coach training and certification to help experienced coaches continue in their development as a coach and coaching practice
  • Business building webinars to help you develop your coaching practice
  • Significant discounts on summits and conferences where you can connect with the larger Christian coaching movement, sharpen your skills and find the support to step into God’s purposes for your coaching


If these benefits are what you are looking for as you seek to grow your practice and fulfill God’s purposes in your life, then come and join the CCNI community! 

When you choose the annual membership rate you will experience $28 savings.  Or if you want to take a first step, choose the monthly membership rate to explore if CCNI is right for you.

We are glad you are here.